Presentations AETAP Conference 2018

AETAP Conference 2018


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24th April

Dr Paul Gill
Sequencing lone actor terrorist behaviors  Presentation

Dr Laura Guy
State of the art and science in youth violence risk assessment pdficon large Presentation

Dr. Renate Geurts
Strengthening threat assessment interviewing: Insights drawn from negotiations and interrogation pdficon large  Presentation

Dr Caroline Logan
Forensic clinical interviewing: practical skills for threat assessment professionals pdficon large Presentation

Dr Annabel Chan & Luke Bartlett
QuAIC relief: qualifiying the “gut feeling” in case triage pdficon large Presentation

25th April – Track I

Jason Forgash
The threat inside the walls: discerning between delusions, hallucinations and actual threats faced by mentally ill individuals and methods of successful assessment and case management pdficon large Presentation

Dr. Cornelis van Putten
Integrity testing and threat assessment pdficon large Presentation

Dr. Susanne Strand
Policing stalking pdficon large Presentation

Dr. Ryan Burnette
Novel threats at the convergence of biosecurity and cybersecurity pdficon large Presentation

Christopher Dean
Identifying radicalization to violent  extremism in prison: the Prison Radicalization Awareness Guide (PRAG) pdficon large Presentation

Dr Camie  Condon & Jeff Weyers
Using open source intelligence in assessing potential for violence by foreign fighters      pdficon large Presentation

Dr Stephen Hart & Dr Randy Kropp
 What every threat assessment professional needs to know about sexual violence  pdficon large Presentation

25th April – Track II

Mikko Savela


Markus Haaranen

Case study of threat case against Helsinki University pdficon large Presentation

Kristina Anderson
Safety is personal: lessons learned as survivor of the Virgina Tech tragedy pdficon large Presentation

Dr Gene Deisinger
Campus behavioural threat assessment and management in the US 2007 to present pdficon large Presentation

Katherine Timmel & Adrian Meier
Threat managment at ETH Zurich – “from cradle to grave” pdficon large Presentation

Atte Oksanen
Cyberhate and young offenders: emerging forms of violent ideation pdficon large Presentation

26th April

Dr. Lina Alathari
Case studies to illustrate the importance of gatheringand corroborating information from multiple systems on concerning behaviours communications pdficon large Presentation

Dr. Gerard Labuschange & Bronwynn Stollarz
Anonymous threats involving bomb threats towards a South African company pdficon large Presentation

Dr. Russ Palarea & Chuck Tobin
A shot in the dark: when a persistent threatener finally commits a violent act pdficon large Presentation

Elsine van Os
Anonymous threatening communications pdficon large Presentation

 Jascha van Hoorn  Setting up a threat management facility  pdficon large Presentation