Violence Risk Assessment Workshops with Dr. Stephen Hart & Dr. Randall Kropp, Rheinau CH

March 3 to 7, 2014

Violence risk assessment is a critical part of service delivery in health care, social service, criminal justice, and occupational settings. What unites these diverse professionals is the desire to identify cases in which people pose a risk of violence and determine what steps are necessary to protect public safety.


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Swiss conference on Threat Management, September 2013, Olten CH

September 9th, 2013, Olten, Switzerland 

The conference gives an overview of the current threat management developments in Europe and Switzerland. Topics will be regional threat management networks, the role of psychiatry, warning behaviors, case studies, threats and violence against women and more. 

The event is organized by the Solothurn canton police in cooperation with the Institute Psychology and Threat Management.

The conference will be held in German language only. 

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Call for Papers, CATAP Conference, Oktober 2013, Alberta Canada



The Canadian Association of Threat Assessment Professionals (CATAP) is once again holding a poster session at the 2013 Annual CATAP meeting in Banff, AB. Conference organizers encourage a variety of poster presentations submitted by all professionals that focus on practical applications of threat/risk assessments and invite all disciplines internationally to apply.

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Stalking Risk Profile Workshop, June 2013, Amersfoort, The Netherlands



The intensive workshop will provide participants with accredited training in the administration and use of the Stalking Risk Profile: Guidelines for the assessment and management of stalkers (SRP). The SRP is a structured professional judgement tool specific to risk assessment of stalkers. It has been developed by a group of internationally recognised experts in the field who combine their research interest in stalking with extensive clinical practice with both stalkers and their victims.

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Stalking Risk Profile Workshop, June 2013, London, UK



The intensive workshop will provide participants with accredited training in the administration and use of the Stalking Risk Profile: Guidelines for the assessment and management of stalkers (SRP). The SRP is a structured professional judgement tool specific to risk assessment of stalkers. It has been developed by a group of internationally recognised experts in the field who combine their research interest in stalking with extensive clinical practice with both stalkers and their victims.

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