Online Knowledge Test

AETAP is pleased to offer you a free test to assess your general knowledge in the field of threat management. This comprehensive test, which takes approximately 30 minutes to complete, covers all 8 essential areas of threat assessment: Core Principles, Domestic Violence, Stalking & Harassment, Threatening Communication, Extremism & Terrorism, Workplace Violence & Insider Threats, Mass Homicide, The Role of Mental Disorder, and New/Emerging Themes.

Each question randomly covers one of these areas and presents multiple possible answers, from which you’ll select the correct one(s). Upon completion, you’ll receive a detailed evaluation of your knowledge across all 8 areas, identifying specific strengths and potential areas for improvement. Additionally, the test provides tailored reading suggestions in areas where answers may have been less accurate, offering guidance for deepening your understanding.
This test is particularly useful for leaders responsible for the ongoing training and professional development of a Threat Assessment and Management (TAM) team. By having team members complete the test individually, you can pinpoint areas where additional training or resources may benefit the team.

Please note: This test was initially developed in English, and some nuances in translation may not perfectly align in all languages. We appreciate your understanding and apologize to non-English-speaking users for any inconvenience.

Let’s get started and explore your expertise!